






  • PPPoEクライアント: AirMacExpress
  • PPPoEサーバ: Cisco1841

「え? Ciscoルータにそんな機能あったか?」と思われた方。あるんです。詳しくは検索してみて下さい。


AirMacExpress(以下AMEと略記)からのPPPoE接続を受けるPPPoEサーバは、PPPoEクライアントであるAMEに対して、 必ず DNSサーバの情報を渡してあげないとダメ(DNSサーバの実態があるかどうかは問題ではない。情報として、AMEへ渡してやる事が重要)。さもないと、「DNSサーバ情報をよこせ〜」と 延々問い合わせを投げ続け、IPCPフェイズが終了しないという状態に陥る


*Aug 11 19:31:12.167: ppp19 PPP: Using AAA Unique Id = 20
*Aug 11 19:31:12.171: ppp19 PPP: Authorization required
*Aug 11 19:31:12.171: ppp19 PPP: Using vpn set call direction
*Aug 11 19:31:12.171: ppp19 PPP: Treating connection as a callin
*Aug 11 19:31:12.171: ppp19 PPP: Session handle[8E000013] Session id[19]
*Aug 11 19:31:12.179: ppp19 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 1 len 26 from "c1841" 
*Aug 11 19:31:12.179: ppp19 CHAP: I RESPONSE id 1 len 28 from "client2" 
*Aug 11 19:31:12.179: ppp19 PPP: Sent CHAP LOGIN Request
*Aug 11 19:31:12.183: ppp19 PPP: Received LOGIN Response PASS
*Aug 11 19:31:12.183: ppp19 PPP AUTHOR: Author Data NOT Available
*Aug 11 19:31:12.183: ppp19 PPP: Sent LCP AUTHOR Request
*Aug 11 19:31:12.183: ppp19 PPP: Sent IPCP AUTHOR Request
*Aug 11 19:31:12.183: ppp19 LCP: Received AAA AUTHOR Response PASS
*Aug 11 19:31:12.183: ppp19 PPP: Receive Attrs from[author] Keep[LCP] MERGE
*Aug 11 19:31:12.183: ppp19 PPP: Keep Attr: Framed-Protocol      1 [PPP]
*Aug 11 19:31:12.183: ppp19 PPP: Updated the attr Framed-Protocol in datalist
*Aug 11 19:31:12.183: ppp19 PPP: Keep Attr: username             "client2" 
*Aug 11 19:31:12.183: ppp19 PPP: Updated the attr username in datalist
*Aug 11 19:31:12.187: ppp19 IPCP: Received AAA AUTHOR Response PASS
*Aug 11 19:31:12.187: ppp19 PPP: Receive Attrs from[author] Keep[LCP+NCPs] MERGE
*Aug 11 19:31:12.187: ppp19 PPP: Keep Attr: Framed-Protocol      1 [PPP]
*Aug 11 19:31:12.187: ppp19 PPP: Updated the attr Framed-Protocol in datalist
*Aug 11 19:31:12.187: ppp19 PPP: Keep Attr: username             "client2" 
*Aug 11 19:31:12.187: ppp19 PPP: Updated the attr username in datalist
*Aug 11 19:31:12.191: ppp19 PPP: Receive Attrs from[SSS] Keep[NCPs] MERGE
*Aug 11 19:31:12.191: ppp19 PPP: Skip Attr: Framed-Protocol      1 [PPP]
*Aug 11 19:31:12.191: ppp19 PPP: Skip Attr: username             "client2" 
*Aug 11 19:31:12.203: Vi2.2 LCP AUTHOR: Process LCP Author Data
*Aug 11 19:31:12.203: Vi2.2 LCP AUTHOR: Process Attr: Framed-Protocol
*Aug 11 19:31:12.203: Vi2.2 LCP AUTHOR: Process Attr: username
*Aug 11 19:31:12.203: Vi2.2 LCP AUTHOR: Authorization succeeded
*Aug 11 19:31:12.203: Vi2.2 CHAP: O SUCCESS id 1 len 4
*Aug 11 19:31:12.203: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Start.  Her address, we want
*Aug 11 19:31:12.203: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Reject, using
*Aug 11 19:31:12.203: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Authorization succeeded
*Aug 11 19:31:12.203: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Done.  Her address, we want
*Aug 11 19:31:12.203: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:12.203: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for seconday dns
*Aug 11 19:31:12.207: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:12.207: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:12.207: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:12.207: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:12.207: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:12.207: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:12.211: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:12.211: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:12.211: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:13.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Start.  Her address, we want
*Aug 11 19:31:13.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Reject, using
*Aug 11 19:31:13.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Authorization succeeded
*Aug 11 19:31:13.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Done.  Her address, we want
*Aug 11 19:31:13.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:13.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:13.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:13.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:13.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:13.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:13.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:13.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:13.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:13.203: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:14.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Start.  Her address, we want
*Aug 11 19:31:14.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Reject, using
*Aug 11 19:31:14.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Authorization succeeded
*Aug 11 19:31:14.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Done.  Her address, we want
*Aug 11 19:31:14.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:14.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:14.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:14.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:14.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:14.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:14.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:14.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:14.203: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:14.203: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:15.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Start.  Her address, we want
*Aug 11 19:31:15.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Reject, using
*Aug 11 19:31:15.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Authorization succeeded
*Aug 11 19:31:15.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Done.  Her address, we want
*Aug 11 19:31:15.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:15.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:15.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:15.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:15.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:15.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:15.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:15.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:15.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:15.203: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:16.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Start.  Her address, we want
*Aug 11 19:31:16.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Reject, using
*Aug 11 19:31:16.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Authorization succeeded
*Aug 11 19:31:16.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Done.  Her address, we want
*Aug 11 19:31:16.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:16.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:16.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:16.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:16.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:16.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:16.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:16.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:16.199: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:16.203: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 19:31:17.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Start.  Her address, we want
*Aug 11 19:31:17.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Reject, using
*Aug 11 19:31:17.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Authorization succeeded
*Aug 11 19:31:17.195: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Done.  Her address, we want



c1841#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
c1841(config)#ip dns server 
c1841(config)#ip name-server
c1841#wr m
*Aug 11 19:46:40.535: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Building configuration...

ip dns serverip name-server が鍵ですか。上記の設定を施した後、AMEから接続を行った際のCisco側のログは以下の通り。

*Aug 11 20:43:53.323: Vi2.2 PPP: Clearing AAA Unique Id = 25
*Aug 11 20:43:59.391: ppp24 PPP: Using AAA Unique Id = 26
*Aug 11 20:43:59.391: ppp24 PPP: Authorization required
*Aug 11 20:43:59.391: ppp24 PPP: Using vpn set call direction
*Aug 11 20:43:59.391: ppp24 PPP: Treating connection as a callin
*Aug 11 20:43:59.391: ppp24 PPP: Session handle[33000018] Session id[24]
*Aug 11 20:43:59.411: ppp24 CHAP: O CHALLENGE id 1 len 26 from "c1841" 
*Aug 11 20:43:59.411: ppp24 CHAP: I RESPONSE id 1 len 28 from "client2" 
*Aug 11 20:43:59.411: ppp24 PPP: Sent CHAP LOGIN Request
*Aug 11 20:43:59.415: ppp24 PPP: Received LOGIN Response PASS
*Aug 11 20:43:59.415: ppp24 PPP AUTHOR: Author Data NOT Available
*Aug 11 20:43:59.415: ppp24 PPP: Sent LCP AUTHOR Request
*Aug 11 20:43:59.415: ppp24 PPP: Sent IPCP AUTHOR Request
*Aug 11 20:43:59.415: ppp24 LCP: Received AAA AUTHOR Response PASS
*Aug 11 20:43:59.415: ppp24 PPP: Receive Attrs from[author] Keep[LCP] MERGE
*Aug 11 20:43:59.415: ppp24 PPP: Keep Attr: Framed-Protocol      1 [PPP]
*Aug 11 20:43:59.415: ppp24 PPP: Updated the attr Framed-Protocol in datalist
*Aug 11 20:43:59.415: ppp24 PPP: Keep Attr: username             "client2" 
*Aug 11 20:43:59.415: ppp24 PPP: Updated the attr username in datalist
*Aug 11 20:43:59.419: ppp24 IPCP: Received AAA AUTHOR Response PASS
*Aug 11 20:43:59.419: ppp24 PPP: Receive Attrs from[author] Keep[LCP+NCPs] MERGE
*Aug 11 20:43:59.419: ppp24 PPP: Keep Attr: Framed-Protocol      1 [PPP]
*Aug 11 20:43:59.419: ppp24 PPP: Updated the attr Framed-Protocol in datalist
*Aug 11 20:43:59.419: ppp24 PPP: Keep Attr: username             "client2" 
*Aug 11 20:43:59.419: ppp24 PPP: Updated the attr username in datalist
*Aug 11 20:43:59.423: ppp24 PPP: Receive Attrs from[SSS] Keep[NCPs] MERGE
*Aug 11 20:43:59.423: ppp24 PPP: Skip Attr: Framed-Protocol      1 [PPP]
*Aug 11 20:43:59.423: ppp24 PPP: Skip Attr: username             "client2" 
*Aug 11 20:43:59.435: Vi2.2 LCP AUTHOR: Process LCP Author Data
*Aug 11 20:43:59.435: Vi2.2 LCP AUTHOR: Process Attr: Framed-Protocol
*Aug 11 20:43:59.435: Vi2.2 LCP AUTHOR: Process Attr: username
*Aug 11 20:43:59.435: Vi2.2 LCP AUTHOR: Authorization succeeded
*Aug 11 20:43:59.435: Vi2.2 CHAP: O SUCCESS id 1 len 4
*Aug 11 20:43:59.435: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Start.  Her address, we want
*Aug 11 20:43:59.435: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Reject, using
*Aug 11 20:43:59.435: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Authorization succeeded
*Aug 11 20:43:59.435: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: Done.  Her address, we want
*Aug 11 20:43:59.439: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 20:43:59.439: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for seconday dns
*Aug 11 20:43:59.439: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns
*Aug 11 20:43:59.439: Vi2.2 IPCP AUTHOR: no author-info for primary dns


Updated by Tsutomu KIMURA over 11 years ago · 1 revisions locked